Intro Music
Lauren Roberts is a 22 year old young adult author who wrote the powerless series. Currently there are three books published, Powerless, Powerful, and Reckless. Powerful is a novella and it’s another characters point of view from Powerless. Powerless was released in 2023, Powerful and Reckless were released in 2024. Lauren Roberts has announced another book in the series called Fearless and it is set to be released some time in 2025.
page turning sound
Powerless is a dual point of view book and it kinda reminds me of The Hunger Games series. In the world there are ordinary’s and elites. There was a plague that gave the elites special powers. The king decided that anyone who didn’t have powers were diseased and sent them away. He believed that ordinary’s would bring the plague back and harm more people. Paedyn is an ordinary but her father was an elite. Her mother was also an ordinary and her father was hiding her mother until she died of illness when Paedyn was young. He trained her growing up and disguised her as a psychic. When she was young she watch her father get killed by the king and she was left stranded in the slums to fend for herself. She survives by stealing money and food from people. Once day she bumps into one of the princes, Kai, and ends up saving him from being killed. Kai is the kingdoms enforcer which meant he could take anyone’s powers from around him and use them. Kai is confused on why he can’t use Paedyn’s powers and can’t stop thinking about her. Every year there are the purging trials where young elites are picked to compete to win a prize. Due to Paedyn saving the prince she was voted into the purging trials. You get to see back and force point of views of Kai and Paedyn in the trials fighting to survive. They start off as enemies and slowly become friends. These purging trials are different from previous years because the prince is participating. Paedyn struggles to keep the secret that she is an ordinary while trying to survive the trials. She also discovers a secret organization, the resistance, that are trying to defeat the king so ordinaries can live along elites again.
page turning sound
I have yet to read the novella or second book in the series, but I am very excited to read them soon. Lauren Roberts writing style is very captivating and leaves you not wanting to put the book down. This November I got the chance to meet her and I asked her if she could pick any song what song does she think represents Powerless. She told me that she thinks Set Fire to the Rain by Adele fits the plot of Powerless. After finishing the book I completely agree with her. I have a feeling the second book in the series is going to be about her working with the resistance to overthrow the kingdom and get revenge for her father. There are rumors of there being more novellas later on but she has been very secretive about it and wont go into much detail.
Book closing sound
Special acknowledgements to Zapsplat for the intro and outro music for this podcast. Also special acknowledgements to the Powerless wiki page and goodreads for the information about Lauren Roberts past and new book releases.
Outro Music
ZapSplat Let’s Start The Show from the podcast and radio tracks was used to provide the outro and intro music to this podcast
To find out more information on Lauren Roberts past and upcoming book release you can go on to goodreads to discover more.
To discover more detailed information about the Powerless series you can go to the powerless fandom wiki page.